Regardless of whether the cause may be out of old age or a severe illness, experiencing the loss of a pet can be a very devastating thing to go through. Aside from losing an animal that you probably consider as more than just a pet, making decisions regarding the afterlife care method for your deceased pet can add up to the pain. Clayton, MO pet cremation is among the more popular choice of pet owners in terms of dealing with the body of their deceased pet. Although the process of cremation has become more popular for pet owners, a lot of people still have no idea how pet cremation actually works. Reading through this article, find out about the pet cremation details.
The Types of Pet Cremation
Before we proceed to the discussion of the pet cremation process, it is important that you know the different types of pet cremation, so you can decide which type will suit your wishes for your departed pet. In general, there are three types of pet cremation options that are offered by most pet crematory sites. You can choose which of these three you wish to have for your pet based on several factors.
- Private Pet Cremation – The procedure of private pet cremation basically involves a private cremation space for your pet, where your pet will be cremated alone. In this way, you have an assurance that all the ashes you will get after the cremation are only from your pet.
- Communal Pet Cremation – Unlike private pet cremation, communal pet cremation involves having your pet cremated together with the other animals in a singular chamber. If you opt to have this for your pet, then you should not expect to take home any ashes after the process has been done.
- Partitioned Pet Cremation – The process of partitioned pet cremation may be described as the midpoint between private and communal pet cremation. Through this process, a lot of pets may be cremated in a single chamber at one time. However, there are particular partitions present in an effort to distinguish and separate the ashes from one another.
The Process of Pet Cremation
During the cremation process, the remains of your pet are placed in an enclosed chamber, where they will be cremated. The space will then be set to heat at a very high temperature to cremate the body of your pet. The overall process usually takes a few hours, depending on the size of your pet. After cremating the body, you will be given the ashes and some bone fragments should you happen to choose private or communal cremation.
Clayton, MO pet cremation services can provide your pet with the best afterlife care that will be in accordance with your wishes and desires. Inquiring and learning about the types of cremation can help you figure out which option can be the most suitable for you and your needs. Decide as early as you can so you can choose between the choices given about what you should do with your pet’s body.